Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Vive La Ville Lumière - Libre!

I am sure the good general would appreciate my little twists on his most famous utterance ever - outside of his beloved France, that is. I felt the same exact exuberance when I travelled abroad too - going the opposite way he did, too!  I hope they won't make an odd statue of me as they did of him, either! But that is another story...

Here is the promised second batch of pics made during this latest European Tour - that wasn't!  (It was limited to Paris - not much ''touring'' done, in that case, hmm?)

Once again - all photos copyright Luciano Pimèntel - all rights reserved and all the fun was mine, too!
Enjoy!  :-)

All Pictures Copyright ©  LUCIANO PIMÈNTEL 
2013  and beyond
All Rights Reserved 

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