Saturday, December 31, 2016

All Creatures, Great And Small - of 2016!

Al? Not sure about Al... But the pup looks like my Benjyquinha!

Or a reasonable cloning of it...

Like this Bambi clone right here...

Mario? Luigi? 

No - not Luigi!

Ty? Is that you?

Oh, joy. Bambi`s back - and he brought a bunny.

Dreadful creatures of Culbec...

And abroad.

Easter, Christmas, every holiday is a good excuse 
to purchase materials emblazoned with these...!

 Oh... Why so glum, Ty Berius - seen a ghost?
(One of the Old Forum Ghosts, surely...)

(Or just a French Frog - I think it's the latter, really: BEHIND YOU, TY!!!)

Ghosts of Christmases PAST...

Ghost of Christmas PRESENT...
(Y'est pas un cadeau, j'vous l'dis...!)

Ghosts of Christmases FUTURE...
(Think volume one is bad enough? Well... 
volumes XIII through LCMXVI will truly SOCK... it!
Hey look - the French Frog stalks the Bear there - AGAIN!
Never mind that this one is a Purple Bear... 
Singing a duet - with an Orange Lion.
I see a pattern developing...?
But I digress...)

Ricambio, The Idea Man...?
I only knew Ricardo - the chef!

And to end on a beautifully luminous note...

The luminous white horse! 
Not the band by the same name - 
and certainly not Swift's song either!
Click on the pic 
to reacquaint yourself with the one, the only...
White Horse!
A truly LAIDBACK one...

Urban Life

The Adventures of Luminous...
out and about in the city... ooo-ooo! 
(Tune in to The Eagles now...)

I was born in the city.
The concrete under my feet.

It`s in my moves. 
It`s in my walk. 

I`m a man of the street.

RIP Glenn Frey