Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Vive La Ville Lumière - Libre!

I am sure the good general would appreciate my little twists on his most famous utterance ever - outside of his beloved France, that is. I felt the same exact exuberance when I travelled abroad too - going the opposite way he did, too!  I hope they won't make an odd statue of me as they did of him, either! But that is another story...

Here is the promised second batch of pics made during this latest European Tour - that wasn't!  (It was limited to Paris - not much ''touring'' done, in that case, hmm?)

Once again - all photos copyright Luciano Pimèntel - all rights reserved and all the fun was mine, too!
Enjoy!  :-)

All Pictures Copyright ©  LUCIANO PIMÈNTEL 
2013  and beyond
All Rights Reserved 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Vive Paris... Libre!

Shots taken in the so-called Ville Lumière (because of les frères Lumière, is that it? After all, even Maurice Chevalier himself admitted in his classic ''Paris sera toujours Paris'' that it plunges  ''dans le noir'' and is called so ''malgré l'obscurité profonde'' that permeates the whole place...  But that is another story.)

Pictures taken with the trustworthy Lumix again - the next wave (over 1000 shots) was taken with my Samsung phone...!  That will be for some other time...

Onwards with this investigation into Les Mystères de Paris...! 

All Pictures Copyright ©  LUCIANO PIMÈNTEL 
2013  and beyond
All Rights Reserved 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Timing Is Everything

Ah, to be there at the right time (and in the right disposition too!) in order to be able to snap that one-in-a-million shot that you always wanted to make... such is the dream of all photographers out there!

As with so many other things in life, many are called, but few are ever given those kinds of opportunities - so, this here today, is our luminous salute to all the lucky photographers that got it done in that infinitesimal fraction-of-a-second magical snippet of time - that is often simply called ''the nick of time'' by those very lucky bastards themselves! 

Kudos to your cameras' focus lenses, most of all...

Lord Knows *I* keep trying to snap them, too...