More travel photography now -
get ready to be marveled as we continue chronicling our whereabouts in 2010-2011, our championship and most luminous season! (So far...!)

Travelling can be such fun -
across continents, seas and past 1001 obstacles at customs,
one can truly discover such wondrous things...

My, oh my -
have we stumbled across the Lost Ark of the Covenant here?

Evidence of my time travel now:
I landed in Wilfrid Laurier's office
but he was out for lunch...

Some medieval place, somewhere in time...!
(I think I've travelled too much already!)

Montréal's Old Port is very well-named...

The Big Bad Beaver of Rideau Canal!

The Fountain of Ottawa - not of youth.

The luxurious side of Mont Tremblant!

One of the Biodôme's bouncers... Sitting proud on his boulder...

Nero, a trendy café that was most recently BOMBED by the MOB,
in Sofia, Bulgaria...

They love me so much in Bulgaria, they awarded me my own café too -
right across the street from that Nero there...

Kitty-Kat is not impressed...

Strange construct found in the middle of OTTAWA -
clearly of alien origin...

In the belly of the Biodôme!

The luminous coast of Deux-Montagnes!
(Trois-Rivières? Quatre-Chemins? Cinq-Sentiers? Six-Ruelles?)
(Aye - I've
really travelled too much, already!)

The spooky streets of Montréal!
All pictures here trademark & copyright Luciano A. Pimèntel
2011 And Beyond
All Rights Reserved.
Once again, I used the famed Lumix camera, manufactured by age-old and time-honored Panasonic - a fine little thing, that camera, I tell you...
ReplyDeleteBut it is not of the newer trendy models they have released since, say, 2005 - no. It is a good old reliable and trustworthy DMC-FX2, MEGA O.I.S. with 4 MEGA PIXELS capacity, 2" LCD, 1:2.8-5.0/5.8-17.4 ASPH.
With measurements like that, you can tell that I am perfectly happy with the performance of this cam! Heck, I am literally loco for this Leica DC VARIO-ELMARIT! 4.7 volts is just fine with me, too - and the mere fact that it was made in Osaka, Japan by Panasonic affiliate Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd explains its standing the test of time so very well!
For newer models, though, check out their site.
Earlier posts here did not feature Lumix technology at all - I had simply bluetoothed onto here pics taken with two different cellphones! The results can vary greatly, as it was amply evidenced, from phone to phone - a Samsung and one of them "smart phones" were used and neither time it came close to the cristalline quality (and certainly the zooming power) of the Lumix.
ReplyDeleteThe lesson of this story?
Cells can do it all, sure - but it is still preferable to rely on the old experts to accomplish specific tasks and accomplish them well!