Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Luminous Scoop!

Plus de peur que de mal - Le service fût interrompu pendant presqu'une demi-heure alors que les pompiers et la police furent dépêchés sur les lieux afin de s'assurer que la fumée aperçue sur certaines rames de métro ne provenait pas d'un feu naissant. Finalement, après toutes les vérifications d'usage, on confirma que tel n'était pas le cas. Metro... whatever did not use any of my pics *or* my more-than-perfect caption that was sent with each and every one of them. I should have sent it to MetroBoston instead, with this caption: "The subway system in Montreal gets a second stoppage in less than 36 hours due to some false alarm, smoke and mirrors type of random malfunction... Dozens of firemen and policemen dispatched - all for absolutely NOTHING. Pathetic. Once more, it is evidently clear that the transit system in Montreal sucks to the extreme degree; nothing even remotely close to the transit system in place in the fine city of BOSTON! 
 *Hurray for the MBTA* optional. 

I shall get a real scoop, next time... 

Tintin has nothing over me - nor does Capitaine Haddock! (And much less either one of them brothers Dupont-d...! Oh. Right! You probably know them best as... The Thompson Twins? Not the band! Hello...?!?)
But that is another story... 

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