As some of you may know, I am linked to a corporation since...
well, too many years already! (Let's leave it at that!)
But this corporation is running a contest now...
a photography contest -
exclusively for us members of the big corporate clique!
You just know it: I have got to take part!
And here is where *you* come in...
Anyone who knows me well
knows that I can get to be a trifle...
undecided at times?
Basically, it is as follows:
I cannot decide which of the following
I should submit to said contest!!!
The topic of this is very strict -
for the whole thing is called
and I... have difficulty selecting
what best represents it - to me!
The topic of this is very strict -
for the whole thing is called
and I... have difficulty selecting
what best represents it - to me!
Help me... help you!
Because, if I win... well... *you* will be proud!
You want to be proud - rrright?
Everyone does...
So... VOTE... NOW... let me know!
Let me know whichever way you prefer;
but please let me know before the end of May!
Thank you very much!
Or, perhaps, one of those pictures
previously seen on the luminous blog
that I simply did not watermark
/ trademark & copyright /
i.o.w. ''footstamp'' as I did all the rest...
All Rights Reserved
- hey, it's for a contest!
All Rights Reserved
- hey, it's for a contest!